Brecciated Mookaite Jewelry

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Sagacia’s Graceful and Glamorous Brecciated Mookaite Jewelry

Jaspers are extremely trendy nowadays. In the market, you can find numerous types of jasper jewelry. Gemstone jewelry with jaspers like Bumble Bee Jasper, Deerfawn Jasper, Imperial Jasper, K2 Jasper, and Wild Horse Jasper is quite common. But, do you know of Brecciated Mookaite gemstone, a jasper variety that is rare, yet extremely captivating? The Brecciated Mookaite jewelry is known for its healing properties – it balances emotions, enhances mental clarity, and is also beneficial for aligning the solar plexus chakra and the heart chakra. Since Brecciated Mookaite stone is rare, it is loved by gemstone collectors. You might have read about Jasper, but we bet that you would have never read about Brecciated Mookaite Jasper. Want to know what Brecciated Mookaite basically is? Keep reading.

Understanding Brecciated Mookaite Gemstone: What It Is

Brecciated Mookaite, sometimes also known as Brecciated mookaite jasper, is a silicified porcellanite mineral, which, most of the time, contains fossils within it (meaning, it is fossiliferous). Scientifically speaking, it is preserved remains of radiolaria (which are tiny sea creatures), that have transformed into alluring silicified minerals over a long period of time.

The only mining location where Brecciated mookaite stone is known to date is Western Australia. In Western Australia, this gemstone is mined in an area called Windalia Radiolarite. Geologists claim that here, Brecciated mookaite was formed about 145-166 million years ago, in the Cretaceous Period. The Windalia Radiolarite region is full of minute nanoplankton fossils like Foraminifera and Radiolaria, and these fossils have played a key role in the creation of Brecciated mookaite. This stone looks extremely attractive in its unique combination of colors, the colors being brownish-yellow, brown, and yellow.

Why is Brecciated Mookaite Stone Rare?

There are multiple reasons behind the Brecciated mookaite stone being rare. The first reason behind the rarity of this stone is that it is found only in Western Australia, in a particular region.

The second reason is, mining and extraction of this stone is very difficult. When this stone is mined, the miners have to dig through decomposed Radiolarian clay, which is basically the floor bedding of a small natural stream of water.

The third reason is that a significant amount of rock is generally lost because of crumbling. This happens when the Chert content in the rock is more than the chalcedony content. The chert content tends to easily wither, crumble, and fracture. This is why when the chert content is higher, a significant part of the rock crumbles during extraction.

These are the three main reasons why Brecciated Mookaite is a rare stone, and this is also why the Brecciated Mookaite jewelry is expensive in comparison to any ordinary jasper jewelry.

Uses & Healing Properties of Brecciated Mookaite Gemstone

Brecciated mookaite is a wonderful stone with many uses. Psychics claim that this stone enriches one’s love for Mother Earth and all of nature's creations, which is why any person who wears Brecciated mookaite jewelry is protected by Earth Angels. It has also been observed that wearing Brecciated mookaite jewelry will allow you to develop a deep loving connection with animals, both domestic and wild. If your neighbor’s German shepherd barks at you a lot, then you should definitely try going near it wearing a Brecciated mookaite bracelet.

As far as the healing properties of Brecciated mookaite are concerned, this stone restores lost vigor in the body and increases the overall energy levels of the body. Crystal healers say that wearing Brecciated mookaite jewelry heals physical ailments such as muscular pain, headaches, and fatigue caused by physical strain. This stone also helps with digestive issues, improves circulation, and strengthens the immune system. Also, if you are someone recovering from a fracture or torn ligaments, then wearing Brecciated mookaite jewelry will speed up your recovery.

Emotionally, Brecciated mookaite has calming properties, and it brings tranquility to the mind. It restores the balance of emotions that is lost in troubled relationships, meaning the relationships in which there is constant quarrel, continuous nagging, and feelings of disharmony. Last but not least, it allows the individual to accept change, adapt to the environment, and march forward in their journey with confidence.

Sagacia’s Brecciated Mookaite Jewelry: Elegant & Beautiful, yet Affordable

As a jewelry enthusiast who has a love for unique and rare jewelry, we know that you are interested in purchasing Brecciated Mookaite jewelry. Not only does this Brecciated Mookaite jewelry look beautiful, but it possesses many healing properties as well. In case you are looking to purchase Brecciated Mookaite sterling silver gemstone jewelry, such as a Brecciated Mookaite bracelet, you can buy it from Sagacia Jewelry. Sagacia Jewelry guarantees the purity of the 925 sterling silver and the authenticity of gemstones used in making their gemstone jewelry and sterling silver jewelry.

The Brecciated Mookaite jewelry being sold at Sagacia is statement jewelry, which is why it will allow you to make a bold and eye-catching statement. We sell other gemstone jewelry as well, such as turquoise jewelry, opal jewelry, moonstone jewelry, and black rutile jewelry. At Sagacia, not only do we sell statement jewelry, but we sell dainty jewelry as well. Make sure you check out Sagacia’s complete range of jewelry so that you can pick out the pieces that you find most attractive.